



On a typical day you probably shower in chlorinated water, put lotion on your skin, roll down the window to get some air on your way to work, eat lunch from the microwave and grab the receipt for your groceries on your way home.

Do you know that just today, you have been exposed to hundreds of chemicals called Xenoestrogens? Every one of these chemicals can be harmful, but when combined they are synergistically even more damaging.

What are Xenoestrogens?   The meaning of the word Xeno is “foreign”.  So, xenoestrogens are chemical compounds that imitate estrogen in the body.  They are also referred to as “environmental hormones” or EDC –  Endocrine Disrupting Compounds. They disrupt metabolism and the normal function of the endocrine system by competing for estrogen receptor sites.   The body sees them as a hormone, and they can block the uptake of our body’s natural hormones. This may lead to an over abundance of estrogen in the body.

One of the main functions of estrogen is to encourage cell growth and activate the proteins that speed up cell division. Estrogens work with the immune system, reproductive system, bone growth and metabolism in both men and women.  Xenoestrogens are stored in the body’s fat cells and they are not biodegradable. With too much estrogen in the body, the natural balance of hormones and trace minerals are thrown off decreasing immunity to fight of yeast, fungal or viral infections.

We are exposed to these chemicals every day in our lives. They are in the air, water, soil, new or dry cleaned clothing, body products, food and medicines like birth control and hormone replacement therapy.  Xenoestrogens are in petrochemicals (like gasoline), insecticides, pesticides and electronics manufacturing. They are byproducts of bleaching paper and incinerating chlorinated products.

Again we are at the beginning of a new experiment on the human race as many of these chemicals have only been introduced within the last 70 years. Science is  beginning to study the effects of xenoestrogens now, and unfortunately and many of the studies are only on one or two specific xenoestrogens, not how they work when combined.

With the sudden rise in obesity, infertility, early onset puberty, neurological development in all ages, diabetes, increases in ovarian, breast, testicular and prostate cancer it makes you wonder just how many chemicals our immune systems can handle.

With awareness of what to look out for, you can limit your exposure to Xenoestrogens by following a few of these tips.

Here are 40 ways you can avoid xenoestrogens and protect your health: 

Makeup/Cosmetics/Body Care Products

  • Avoid cosmetics and creams that contain parabens (ethylparaben, propylparaben, buylparaben and methylparaben), propyl gallate (an antioxidant used in beauty care products), phenoxyethanol, and stearalkonium chloride, these chemicals are estrogenic. While oral substances will be 80-90% absorbed by the body, those that are applied to the skin are absorbed at 100%.  So a skin dose of these chemicals are equal to ten times the oral dose in the body.
  • Avoid sunscreen that contains the xenoestrogen 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor, also known as 4-MBC or Benzophenone.
  • Limit your exposure to nail polish and nail polish removing products.
  • Beware of bubbles or foaming agents containing Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.
  • Avoid antibacterial soaps containing Tricolsan (endocrine disrupting pesticide)
  • Use chemical free toothpastes, soaps, hair care products, and deodorants.
  • Use a good filter for the water in your shower, for your drinking water and or ice maker.
  • Try essential oils or and naturally based fragrances in products.

Cleaning products

  • Avoid using fabric softeners that allow petrochemicals to enter your body through your skin.
  • Avoid using air fresheners and candles made with chemicals, as they may contain phthalates.
  • Steer clear of anything containing Alkylphenol which is used in cleaning detergents.
  • Use chlorine-free products and unbleached paper products such as coffee filters, paper towels, toilet paper, menstrual pads and tampons. Read more about the dangers of chlorine on our website here: Dangers of Chlorine.
  • Choose biodegradable and chemical free laundry and household cleaning products.


  • Avoid all types of unfermented soy.
  • Avoid eating foods with BHA (butylated hydroxanisole) This compound is a xenoestrogen and common food additive.
  • Do not eat any GMO foods or products.
  • Avoid the use of Roundup and other garden chemicals as they contain organophosphate pesticides which interfere with testosterone and are a neurotoxin.
  • Check labels to avoid artificial food additives, including sweeteners and MSG. Take along our Grocery Watch List for a list of  food additives to avoid.  Click here to print your own copy: Grocery Watch List.
  • Buying locally grown, organic food that is in season also reduces your exposure to pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides
  • Choose organic, grass-fed, hormone free dairy products and range free meats. In non-organic meat and dairy, estrogenic compounds are used to make them weigh more or produce more.
  • Peel the skin off of any non-organic vegetables and fruits.
  • Eat as cleanly as possible and avoid animal fat if not hormone free.
  • Try not to use food in cans, as over 85% contain BPA that is used to line the containers.
  • Wash food well to remove pesticides.
  • When growing your own food, use salt and vinegar to remove weeds instead of pesticides.
  • Drink Milk Thistle Tea to support your liver.
  • Remember to take your Fulvic Mineral Complex to help keep your trace minerals in balance and detoxify.
  • Eat soluble fiber it will help to bind with toxins and reduce estrogen levels.  Eating cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli help the liver to metabolize estrogens.
  • Use a good water filter that removes Atrazine, which is a herbicide known to turn male frogs into female ones.


  • Avoid using plastic cling wrap.
  • Avoid children’s toys and baby bottles made of plastic.
  • Avoid Flame Retardants used in building materials,  furniture, and clothing listed as Polybrominated biphenyl ether (PBDE’s)
  • Avoid products with Phthalates and DEHP (plasticizers)
  • Use glass to store your food and water in.
  • Keep windows rolled up when commuting in heavy traffic or you may breathe in a higher amount of petrochemical residue.
  • Do not use plastic bottles that have been frozen or heated.
  • Do not use non-stick cookware or water-resistant coatings on clothes, carpets or furniture, as they may contain PFC’s or Perfluorinated Chemicals.
  • If you must use a microwave, do not heat anything in plastic containers.
  • Refuse receipts from stores as they contain xenoestrogenic chemicals.

Until we make a decision as a group to hold manufacturers more accountable for the chemicals that they are using in products, the best way to protect your self is with your daily individual choices for you and your family.  One choice, one day at a time, can lessen the burden on your body of this modern chemical storm that  we now live in.

Read more about Xenoestrogens in the following  books:

Our Stolen Future by Theo Colburn, Diane Dumonski and John Peterson Myers

Healthy Living in a Toxic World by Cynthia Fincher, PhD.

The Hundred-Year Lie: How Food and Medicine are Destroying Your Health by Randall Fitzgerald

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals


The word Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints. Most of us don’t realize that Arthritis refers to more than 100 diseases that affect nearly 46 million adults and 300,000 children in America alone.  There are two distinctly different categories of arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.  Between the two of them, no one is immune, from infancy to old age.

The common thread that links all forms of arthritis is; they are all diseases of the musculoskeletal system, specifically the joints where two or more bones meet.

The cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis is the topic of much discussion.  Specialists’ guesses include environmental factors; unknown; injury; stress; or chronic inflammation.  The Mayo Clinic speculates, “Your genes may make you more susceptible to environmental factors – such as Infection with certain viruses and bacteria – that may trigger the disease”.  Many people experience success by taking a very small amount of a prescribed antibiotic over a long period of time.

Osteoarthritis is easier to self-manage if caught in the early stages.  It is usually caused by wear and tear as we age, previous injuries and obesity.

Symptoms include inflammation, pain, and stiffness.  Depending on the location of the joint involved, it can lead to joint weakness, instability, and visible deformities all of which can interfere with walking, climbing stairs, opening bottles, cutting food or using a computer keyboard.

Natural Remedies for Arthritis

There are several suggested natural remedies for arthritis:

One of the most successful treatments is prolotherapy, known as nonsurgical ligament reconstruction, which is also a treatment for chronic pain.

It is simple, inexpensive and long lasting, if not permanent.  Prolotherapy gets at the root cause of the arthritic process, and has been used successfully to treat a myriad of common degenerative conditions, from osteoarthritis and sprains to herniated discs.

By injecting a natural proliferant solution into a damaged joint or area, prolotherapy stimulates the body’s natural repair mechanisms.  It starts the normal inflammatory healing reaction which stimulates the immune system to produce healing, cushioning collagen.  Collagen repairs injured ligaments, tendons or cartilage.  When naturally produced collagen is restored to an arthritic joint, the inflammation and pain disappear.  Many say the injections are almost painless and there is no recovery time.

Other important things to do to minimize arthritic pain are:

Weight Loss

Maintaining a healthy weight means there is less pressure on stressed knees and joints.  Some people see symptoms disappear after losing as little as 10 to 20 pounds.


Gentle physical activity is actually very good for arthritis, like aerobics, walking, swimming, bike riding.


All supplements and enzymes that eliminate inflammation are helpful.  Glucosamine and Chondroitin help repair damaged joints, while MSM helps control pain and inflammation.  Fish oils and systemic enzymes are also extremely helpful in controlling inflammation

Please share with us your experiences with painful joints and join us on Twitter, Face book or Google Plus.

To learn more about our mineral products and quality liquid supplements please visit our website at: Vital Earth Minerals 

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals

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Over this past weekend, I had a chance to visit my uncle who continues to amaze me with his high energy levels.  He showed me pictures of him scaling 14,000 foot peaks here in Colorado and glaciers in the Alps.  When I asked him what some of the secrets to his vitality are as he nears 70, he told me that he is very conscious of what he eats every day.  He reminded me that it is easier to make the effort to eat better when it gives him the endurance to do the things he loves rather than to worry about the health issues that a poor diet can cause.

Our recommended daily level of vegetables and fruits are 9-11 per day, but not many people actually achieve that. Aim to have over 75 percent of a plate each meal filled with colorful fruits and vegetables.  Eating foods raw or lightly cooked can help to ensure nutrients are preserved in salads, smoothies, hummus or pates.

It takes a team to build something robust. Enlist the help of three or more different colored crews of fruits and vegetables. By remembering to eat the full rainbow spectrum you can renew your commitment to wellness.

Red Crew – Contain lycopene which helps decrease the risk of cancer and anthocyanins that are strong antioxidants.  Foods included in this group are beets, cherries, apples, tomatoes, rhubarb, cranberries, strawberries, radishes, watermelon, papaya, raspberries and pomegranate.

Orange Crew – Contain beta-carotene which may help to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.  Good choices are carrots, squash, peaches, oranges, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, grapefruit and yams.

Yellow Crew – Contain Vitamin C which works as an antioxidant and co-factor for enzymatic reactions that help the body to heal. Easy picks here include lemons, corn, pears, apricots, grapefruit, cantaloupe, rutabagas, pineapple and squash.

Green Crew – Contain  lutein which helps eye health and lowers the risk of cataracts.  They also contain Folate which is needed to repair DNA and produce healthy blood cells. Many choices for your greens lie in broccoli, cucumbers, olives, asparagus, kale, green peas, spinach, chard, limes, zucchini, celery, avocados, kiwi fruit and brussel sprouts.

Blue and Purple Crew – Contain  anthocyanins which are effective flavanoid antioxidants.  Blueberries, plums, beets, mulberries, cabbage, figs, elderberries, prunes, grapes and blackberries are all foods that you can use.

White  Crew – Contain the nutrient Allicin which has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and anthoxanthin – a flavanoid.  Foods like garlic, onions, pears, coconut, cauliflower, shallots, parsnips, mushrooms, horseradish, turnips, potatoes and white beans are great choices.

By choosing nutrient dense foods, you can find ways to energize your body that avoids processed ingredients that contribute to inflammation and illness over time. Exercising increases the body’s need for nutrients. Cravings of healthy foods are the body’s way of trying to fill the need for specific items needed for nourishment.

My uncle makes sure that he also eats plenty of whole grains like oats, rice, barley, quinoa along with beans and lentils to give the body the fiber that it needs.  Fiber can help to diminish cravings, maintain a feeling of fullness, and keep your digestion optimal. An easier way to maintain a healthy weight is to concentrate on eating foods with higher nutrients and fiber. Avoiding trans-fats, sugars, and anything processed/refined to ease insulin resistance that contributes to poor health.

I know that I will think before I eat with the hope that I can be filled with the same passion for life as my uncle.

To learn more about ways to eat healthier or to view our products: Vital Earth Minerals

You can also share with us your tips for high energy living at  Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals

No one ever thinks that to reach middle age or older, your body has been making moment to moment decisions inside of each cell of your skeleton.  Each bone is a combination of protein bound to crystals of mineral.  While a bone appears solid, it is actually cell structure that brilliantly forms new bone and also removes old bone throughout life. These processes, called modeling and remodeling, occur so that every ten years or so our entire skeleton is replaced.

The skeleton is a warehouse for phosphorous and calcium that are used in body organs, blood levels, muscle and nerve tissues.  If there is insufficient calcium or phosphorous then governing hormones remove them out of the bone fiber to serve other parts of the body. Our bones are hollow by design to allow our bodies to absorb an impact without breaking while also being the strong framework for our muscles.

As we age, our bodies slow down the process of making bone because we stop needing to grow taller.  At age 30 is approximately when this happens.  This combined with poor diet, lack of exercise, changing hormone levels, and being indoors or in cars all of time can make our bones so much more fragile.  The good news is that things like hip fractures, poor posture, weak teeth, or delicate bones are all preventable.  A few lifestyle changes one day and one bite at a time can create an immense difference in your quality and length of life.

Here are a few tips to strengthen your bones:

  • Get active and work at it every day. Standing and sitting do not create bone mass. Try walking, swimming or dancing.  Use stretch bands, push ups or free weights to improve muscle mass. Resistance training actually aids us in creating new bone. Yoga, balance training and Tai Chi can all work too.  Aim for a minimum of ten minutes a day – three times a day.  Whatever you do – please do not stop! Once you stop exercising, the body then returns to the same bone mass level as when you started.
  • Make sure that you are getting enough Vitamin D, as it is needed for calcium to be absorbed effectively.  You can get it in foods like sardines, herring, tuna, mackerel, liver, cheese and eggs.  By sitting in the sun for just 20 minutes a day, your body will naturally make Vitamin D. Our need for this vitamin increases as we age from 200 IU till age 50 to 400 IU till age 70 and then 600 IU over 70.  One cup of milk or fortified orange juice has 100 IU of Vitamin D.
  • Avoid soft drinks, too much coffee or caffeine, too much salt, smoking and too much meat in your diet.  Each of these factors can block you from absorbing calcium. Alcohol actually robs you of calcium.
  • Eat foods that are high in calcium. Try a variety from turnip greens, kale, broccoli or cabbage.  Dairy products like milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, or cheddar cheese can help.  Sardines, salmon, tofu and pinto beans are also good food sources of calcium.

Making sure that you have the calcium you need, so your bones aren’t stripped of it may not always be done by diet alone.  The personal experience of loosing bone mass through extreme hyperthyroidism brought one of our founders, Jody, to help create our liquid calcium formula. To learn more about our liquid or capsule calcium or to view our liquid minerals visit: Vital Earth Minerals

You can also share with us your tips for great bone building exercises or recipes at Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals


Your digestive tract includes a complex conduit over 30 feet long that holds some of the simplest keys to good health.  It delivers every nutrient, vitamin and mineral needed to nourish and sustain us. When you absorb the best of what you eat: your entire body benefits.

By using some of the following tips, you can help your digestive system to thrive.

  • Be conscious and choose foods that are fresh, good quality and when you can- organic.  Blend cooked vegetables and raw foods into your diet as raw foods contain enzymes which help with digestion.  Also pick foods that are rich in fiber.
  • Relax and slow down while eating.  By taking a moment to breathe and feel grateful while you enjoy the smells and flavors of food, you are priming your body for better digestion. Your colon is guided by your autonomic nervous system which is interconnected with your emotions. This explains why many people cannot eat when they are upset or angry. When a person is upset, the fight or flight response kicks in and can actually shut down digestion until the perceived threat has passed.
  •  In the mouth breaking down carbohydrates (sugars and starches) is the very first step. It helps to chew your food very well to a liquid state if possible.  This gives the digestive enzymes in saliva a chance to start working.  It also frees up energy for the stomach and intestines to do their tasks.
  • Be aware of how long it takes foods to digest.  Proteins, like fish, meat, chicken, milk, eggs have an average digestion time of 4 hours.  Starches, such as grains, sweet potatoes, cooked grains and beans digest on average in 3 hours.  Vegetables, including leafy greens, broccoli and cauliflower digest in approximately 2 ½ hours.  Fruits, like apples, bananas, berries and pears digest in about 2 hours.  Melons like cantaloupe digest quickly in around 15-30 minutes.  This is why some people try food combining only certain foods to make sure everything they eat is optimally assimilated.
  • Make sure that you stay hydrated with fresh pure water throughout the day.  Coffee, sodas and colas can dehydrate your body. Use caution when drinking too much fluid with your meals as it can dilute the enzymes and stomach acids used to disintegrate food.
  • Try foods that are proven to be wonderful for digestion.  Pineapple contains bromelain which assists in digesting proteins.  Olive oil helps to make other fats easier to digest.  Apples contain fiber called pectin that moves the bowels.  Papayas have high levels of papain, a digestive enzyme, along with fiber and antioxidants.    Don’t forget herbs and spices like garlic, cayenne and parsley – to stimulate digestion or basil, rosemary or peppermint to soothe a sour stomach. Fermented foods like miso, pickles and sauerkraut along with those with natural probiotics like yogurt and kefir can also ease digestion.

The quicker you absorb vital nutrients in your body the quicker they are available to create the energy to work, heal, and play.  This is one of the main reasons why we choose and developed liquids for our line of products. To learn more about our liquid formulas visit: Vital Earth Minerals

You can also share with us your love of good health at Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals

Wintertime can leave you feeling cold, stressed or worn down.  One of the best ways to beat this is by taking Humic and Fulvic extracts as a part of your daily health routine.

Humic and Fulvic are organic plant based minerals that help to purify and energize the body.  The strength of Humic and Fulvic lies in their ability to supercharge cellular activity.  They spread throughout the system, boosting immune function, oxygenating, chelating and removing toxins.  They also assist in banishing free radicals and balancing hormones.

When Humic and Fulvic are present in the body, nutrients (from both food and dietary supplements) are dissolved into the simplest ionic form, ready to be utilized by the body.  Imagine a substance that seeks out and attached itself to nutrients within the body, and then processes those nutrients in a way so the body receives the maximum benefit.

Humic and Fulvic minerals essentially prepare nutrients to inter-react with each other. Those synergistic relationships are what fuel cellular energy.  Better cellular energy translates into better physical energy and stamina, improved mental clarity and concentration, sounder sleep, resistance to colds and flu, reduced body acidity and boosted immune system function.   Humic/Fulvic is a powerful aid in controlling body acidity because it neutralizes acid in body fluids.  The more PH balanced your body is the stronger your immune system is. To read more about the raw strength of  these minerals visit: Vital Earth Minerals

To learn more about Fulvic and Humic Minerals and better ways to stay healthy  join us on Twitter, FaceBook and Google Plus.

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals

Ok, so is anyone else wearing a bit thin from the craziness of the holiday season?   Shop, cook, wrap, mail, repeat…

It seems that time goes warp speed, with you breathing stress while running around trying to decide if you can get away with only a bow on that gift– no paper needed -or how many items your oven and stove can cook at once.  When did the winter solstice become a time where the person who cuts in front of you at the post office also tries to mow you down in the parking lot while yelling “Merry Christmas” out the window at you?

Peace on Earth and goodwill toward men the card greets me.  Do we even know what that means now or how it would look if we tripped over it? I know for me that some of that peace comes after dinner, shared gifts and when the real talking starts. The kids are playing with their toys and the adults are finally relaxed enough to share the truth of what is in their hearts. Accepting and allowing yourself and others to be who they are is one of the greatest gifts you can give.

My nephew, who is four, said it best at a party the other night.  While in a flurry of lights, music, Santa, Christmas cookies, and a cool punch fountain he stated clearly what he wanted.  He simply wanted someone to sit on the floor and play with him.   And imagine the delight for us both, when I did. Giggling at me, he said “Fire trucks don’t fly!”  I told him that mine did with a wink.

May you each share smiles with family, friends, and the light of living in the next week.  True health and spending time with those that we love are always my favorite gifts anyway, with or without the bow and colored sprinkles.

How do you find peace and share goodwill during this time of year? What are your favorite healthy traditions? Share your thoughts with us here or on Facebook http://on.fb.me/urZFvk and Twitter @TryVitalEarth

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals