



On a typical day you probably shower in chlorinated water, put lotion on your skin, roll down the window to get some air on your way to work, eat lunch from the microwave and grab the receipt for your groceries on your way home.

Do you know that just today, you have been exposed to hundreds of chemicals called Xenoestrogens? Every one of these chemicals can be harmful, but when combined they are synergistically even more damaging.

What are Xenoestrogens?   The meaning of the word Xeno is “foreign”.  So, xenoestrogens are chemical compounds that imitate estrogen in the body.  They are also referred to as “environmental hormones” or EDC –  Endocrine Disrupting Compounds. They disrupt metabolism and the normal function of the endocrine system by competing for estrogen receptor sites.   The body sees them as a hormone, and they can block the uptake of our body’s natural hormones. This may lead to an over abundance of estrogen in the body.

One of the main functions of estrogen is to encourage cell growth and activate the proteins that speed up cell division. Estrogens work with the immune system, reproductive system, bone growth and metabolism in both men and women.  Xenoestrogens are stored in the body’s fat cells and they are not biodegradable. With too much estrogen in the body, the natural balance of hormones and trace minerals are thrown off decreasing immunity to fight of yeast, fungal or viral infections.

We are exposed to these chemicals every day in our lives. They are in the air, water, soil, new or dry cleaned clothing, body products, food and medicines like birth control and hormone replacement therapy.  Xenoestrogens are in petrochemicals (like gasoline), insecticides, pesticides and electronics manufacturing. They are byproducts of bleaching paper and incinerating chlorinated products.

Again we are at the beginning of a new experiment on the human race as many of these chemicals have only been introduced within the last 70 years. Science is  beginning to study the effects of xenoestrogens now, and unfortunately and many of the studies are only on one or two specific xenoestrogens, not how they work when combined.

With the sudden rise in obesity, infertility, early onset puberty, neurological development in all ages, diabetes, increases in ovarian, breast, testicular and prostate cancer it makes you wonder just how many chemicals our immune systems can handle.

With awareness of what to look out for, you can limit your exposure to Xenoestrogens by following a few of these tips.

Here are 40 ways you can avoid xenoestrogens and protect your health: 

Makeup/Cosmetics/Body Care Products

  • Avoid cosmetics and creams that contain parabens (ethylparaben, propylparaben, buylparaben and methylparaben), propyl gallate (an antioxidant used in beauty care products), phenoxyethanol, and stearalkonium chloride, these chemicals are estrogenic. While oral substances will be 80-90% absorbed by the body, those that are applied to the skin are absorbed at 100%.  So a skin dose of these chemicals are equal to ten times the oral dose in the body.
  • Avoid sunscreen that contains the xenoestrogen 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor, also known as 4-MBC or Benzophenone.
  • Limit your exposure to nail polish and nail polish removing products.
  • Beware of bubbles or foaming agents containing Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.
  • Avoid antibacterial soaps containing Tricolsan (endocrine disrupting pesticide)
  • Use chemical free toothpastes, soaps, hair care products, and deodorants.
  • Use a good filter for the water in your shower, for your drinking water and or ice maker.
  • Try essential oils or and naturally based fragrances in products.

Cleaning products

  • Avoid using fabric softeners that allow petrochemicals to enter your body through your skin.
  • Avoid using air fresheners and candles made with chemicals, as they may contain phthalates.
  • Steer clear of anything containing Alkylphenol which is used in cleaning detergents.
  • Use chlorine-free products and unbleached paper products such as coffee filters, paper towels, toilet paper, menstrual pads and tampons. Read more about the dangers of chlorine on our website here: Dangers of Chlorine.
  • Choose biodegradable and chemical free laundry and household cleaning products.


  • Avoid all types of unfermented soy.
  • Avoid eating foods with BHA (butylated hydroxanisole) This compound is a xenoestrogen and common food additive.
  • Do not eat any GMO foods or products.
  • Avoid the use of Roundup and other garden chemicals as they contain organophosphate pesticides which interfere with testosterone and are a neurotoxin.
  • Check labels to avoid artificial food additives, including sweeteners and MSG. Take along our Grocery Watch List for a list of  food additives to avoid.  Click here to print your own copy: Grocery Watch List.
  • Buying locally grown, organic food that is in season also reduces your exposure to pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides
  • Choose organic, grass-fed, hormone free dairy products and range free meats. In non-organic meat and dairy, estrogenic compounds are used to make them weigh more or produce more.
  • Peel the skin off of any non-organic vegetables and fruits.
  • Eat as cleanly as possible and avoid animal fat if not hormone free.
  • Try not to use food in cans, as over 85% contain BPA that is used to line the containers.
  • Wash food well to remove pesticides.
  • When growing your own food, use salt and vinegar to remove weeds instead of pesticides.
  • Drink Milk Thistle Tea to support your liver.
  • Remember to take your Fulvic Mineral Complex to help keep your trace minerals in balance and detoxify.
  • Eat soluble fiber it will help to bind with toxins and reduce estrogen levels.  Eating cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli help the liver to metabolize estrogens.
  • Use a good water filter that removes Atrazine, which is a herbicide known to turn male frogs into female ones.


  • Avoid using plastic cling wrap.
  • Avoid children’s toys and baby bottles made of plastic.
  • Avoid Flame Retardants used in building materials,  furniture, and clothing listed as Polybrominated biphenyl ether (PBDE’s)
  • Avoid products with Phthalates and DEHP (plasticizers)
  • Use glass to store your food and water in.
  • Keep windows rolled up when commuting in heavy traffic or you may breathe in a higher amount of petrochemical residue.
  • Do not use plastic bottles that have been frozen or heated.
  • Do not use non-stick cookware or water-resistant coatings on clothes, carpets or furniture, as they may contain PFC’s or Perfluorinated Chemicals.
  • If you must use a microwave, do not heat anything in plastic containers.
  • Refuse receipts from stores as they contain xenoestrogenic chemicals.

Until we make a decision as a group to hold manufacturers more accountable for the chemicals that they are using in products, the best way to protect your self is with your daily individual choices for you and your family.  One choice, one day at a time, can lessen the burden on your body of this modern chemical storm that  we now live in.

Read more about Xenoestrogens in the following  books:

Our Stolen Future by Theo Colburn, Diane Dumonski and John Peterson Myers

Healthy Living in a Toxic World by Cynthia Fincher, PhD.

The Hundred-Year Lie: How Food and Medicine are Destroying Your Health by Randall Fitzgerald

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals


Just an hour here or 40 minutes there can make a big impact on your life.  Most people don’t realize how essential sleep is, and how a lack of sound restful sleep can affect every area of daily life.  A good night’s sleep promotes physical health, longevity, and emotional well-being as well as giving you clear thinking and the ability to learn and retain information.

Not getting enough sleep now and then is not disastrous; it’s the chronic, long term sleep deprivation that leads to a wide array of health conditions like obesity, diabetes, paranoia, hallucinations, shorter life span and even death.  Unfortunately surveys conducted by the National Sleep Foundation revealed some disturbing statistics:

  • 40 million Americans suffer from over 70 different sleep disorders
  • 60 percent of adults report having sleep problems a few nights a week or more
  • 40 percent of adults experience daytime sleepiness that interferes with work
  • 60 percent of children experience sleep problems several nights per week

Why is sound natural sleep essential?

Your body has a natural schedule that performs specific functions during different times of the cycle.  We all have an internal 24-hour sleep-wake cycle called a circadian rhythm, or biological clock.  During night time hours the body produces melatonin, a hormone that makes you sleepy.  During this time your body repairs itself, builds up energy for the coming day, maintains health, stimulates growth, and boosts your immune system.  It also renews the mind, a key role in learning, memory and creativity.

During daylight hours, melatonin production is replaced by Orx neutrons that are essential for maintenance of the awake state.  During the awake cycle, we exercise our muscles by moving around, circulation is increased, creativity is at its peak, and we burn the energy that was produced during the sleep cycle.  Each part of the biological clock has equal importance in life.

What about sleeping pills

So if I can’t sleep, why not just take a sleeping pill or over the counter sleep inducing formula?  Sleeping pills do not allow your biological clock to function properly, giving the person taking them a false sense of having slept.  When sleeping pills are present, the body is not able to perform the sleep cycle functions properly.

Another good reason not to take sleeping pills are the side effects, including a shorter life span,  increased risk of cancer, depression, and reduced brain cell activity during the day, not to mention the increased risk of death.

The chemicals used in sleeping pills have a direct impact on the brain’s neurotransmitters. One particular neurotransmitter, which is referred as “GABA”, is affected in a significant way while on sleeping pills.  GABA is largely responsible for the nerve cell functions within the lung area. When affected, these cells will fire off and literally shut down. This can lead to serious difficulty in breathing. Other dangers can include falling, as well as impaired judgment and mental focus especially when driving a car.

What causes sleep problems?

There are many causes that are beyond the solutions outlined here, such as accidents, diseases, emotional disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, obesity or metabolic issues.

But there are many self induced causes that can be corrected.

  • Eating sugar, an imbalance of carbohydrates, alcohol or caffeine after 4:00 in the afternoon
  • Medications such as antidepressants, cold and flu medications that contain alcohol, pain relievers that contain caffeine (Midol, Excedrin: diuretics, high blood pressure medications, thyroid hormone.
  • Depression, anxiety, chronic stress, worry.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals

Which vitamins and minerals will help me sleep?

The supplements listed below all contribute toward relaxation, day or night, helping to reduce stress, anxiety and worry, which in turn lead to clear thinking and superior problem solving.

Calcium 600 mg before bedtime will have a relaxing effect on the body, helps alleviate stress and muscle cramps.

Magnesium – approximately 250 mg relaxes muscles.

B vitamins are known to have a sedative effect on nerves.  Nutritional yeast is an excellent source of all the B vitamins in their natural balance.  1 or 2 tablespoons in a glass of milk or liquid calcium before bed.  Foods high in B vitamins are liver, whole grains, wheat germ, tuna, walnuts and peanuts, bananas sunflower seeds and blackstrap molasses.

Fulvic Minerals – 1 ounce before bedtime helps absorption of all other sleep inducing supplements and foods.  People report sounder more restful sleep after taking Fulvic Minerals

Sleep is such a commodity in our 24/7 world.  So, it doesn’t matter if you drink some tart cherry juice (to help increase melatonin production), meditate, choose to unplug from technology,  or take a warm bath as simple steps to relaxation may be the key to getting longer and deeper quality sleep.

Please share with us your tips for a good night’s rest and join us on Twitter, Face book or Google Plus.

To learn more about our mineral products and quality liquid supplements please visit our website at: Vital Earth Minerals

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals

Please note that any advertisements that you see on this blog are placed here by WordPress.com. The Administrators of this blog have no connection to or financial interest in any of the promoted products and/or services and gain no income from any advertising displayed on this blog. Please do not click on any promotions that you do not wish to support.

What does pH mean?

The meaning of pH is Potential Hydrogen which means the degree of concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance or solution.  It is measured on a scale that goes from 0 (Acid) to 14 (Base or Alkaline).  The higher the number indicates that the substance is more alkaline in nature and has a greater potential for absorbing more hydrogen ions.  The lower the number indicates more acidity with less potential for absorbing hydrogen ions.

This applies to our entire body as we are over 70% water.  With every body process utilizing fluids, from blood, spinal fluid, urine, saliva and intercellular fluids, pH plays an important role in our health. Our body’s biochemical reactions are either sped up or slowed down by our pH levels.  This is done by managing the speed that electricity moves through our bodies.  It also controls the speed of enzyme activity.

If a substance is higher in pH (more alkaline) the more electrical resistance the liquid holds. This means that electricity in our bodies travel slower with a higher pH.  When conditions are more acidic, electricity runs fast and resources are burned up quickly.

What can happen if your body pH is too acid?

Your body pH is key to your health and well-being.  Blood remains in a narrow range for pH at around 7.3, below or above this range can indicate warning signs of disease.  When your pH is off, oxygen to the cells is affected, microbes can mutate and grow, and enzymes that are normally helpful can become damaging.  These types of conditions leave you vulnerable to yeast, fungal, parasite infections or even cancer.

Acidosis or high acid levels can be linked to insulin sensitivity, obesity, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s, coronary artery disease, liver and kidney disease for starters. It can also cause damage to organs like the heart or brain long-term. This condition also prevents you from loosing weight, can cause premature aging and wear out your immune system by overloading it with toxins.

Our body produces and eliminates acid waste products every twenty-four hours.  If there is more acid in our system than can be released the body must store it.  This requires a buffering system to be in place as acid is corrosive. Oxygen is used in the blood to act as a binder which makes it unable to be used by the cells. The kidneys also work to remove acid from the body as it is transported by bloodstream.

How does the body use minerals to maintain pH? 

The body uses minerals to help stabilize pH levels by combining with acids to create salts that are eliminated through the kidneys and large intestine safely.  Calcium, potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, Iron and Silica are minerals that can all help you stay more alkaline.  If the body doesn’t have the minerals needed to help alkalize from our foods, it will take the calcium and phosphorus from our bones to help buffer the effects of acid.

Today, the minerals are missing in our soils, which in turn leave our foods lacking in minerals also. Our modern diet of breads, sweets, and convenience foods also contribute greatly to our acidic body state. One good way to keep your body balanced is to take trace minerals daily. Combining this with eating organic foods and many raw foods can help to keep the body in symmetry. Find ways to ward off stress as this can create acid also.

Everything we eat or take for our health has a pH ranking on the scale.  Making choices before your put food in your mouth is one of the easier ways of prevention against acidosis.  The effort to stay proactive with your pH is always worth it, because no one I know has the time to feel sick.  Increasing alkalinity can bring you benefits like sleeping better and more soundly along with increased energy.

There is an article on our website that also talks about how acid zaps your energy.  Click here if you would like to read more: http://www.vitalearthminerals.com/v/articles/Acidity_The_Energy_Zapper.html

Please share with us your tips for keeping a good pH balance and join us on Twitter, Face book or Google Plus.

To learn more about our mineral products and quality liquid supplements please visit our website at: Vital Earth Minerals

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals

Please note that any advertisements that you see on this blog are placed here by WordPress.com. The Administrators of this blog have no connection to or financial interest in any of the promoted products and/or services and gain no income from any advertising displayed on this blog. Please do not click on any promotions that you do not wish to support.

Dancing is one of the many ways we demonstrate joy in life.  In order to jump, spin and rock we need to have solid and durable bones.  Many people don’t realize that bones are living, ever-changing, and thriving rigid organs. They are classified as an organ because they contain two different types of tissue, spongy bone and dense bone, functioning together for a common purpose. Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center have shown that bones are part of the endocrine system that helps control the metabolism of sugar, weight, and the potential development of diabetes.

Bones serve so many functions in the body that they are deserving of more attention and care than we give them. They protect internal organs, support the body, produce blood, store minerals, control pH balance, and detoxify.

What can cause osteoporosis? 

Many factors from hormonal changes in menopause for women with decreased estrogen to the fact that calcium absorption can lesson in elderly digestive tracts can lead to fragile bones. Many seniors are on medications, some of which can interfere with the ability to take in calcium. If you are on anti-seizure medications and glutococortoid medications like cortisone used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, asthma, or Crone’s disease you may be at risk for osteoporosis. Other medications that may put you at risk include heparin, cancer chemotherapy drugs, lithium, thyroxine, and methotrexate. Excessive use of antacids can create conditions where osteoporosis can start. Other conditions like anorexia and alcoholism can also lead to thinning bones.

Osteoporosis may affect a loved one, especially women over 50 and men over 70 as they have a much higher risk for brittle bones. It is the most common type of bone disease and is the loss of bone density. When the body fails to build new bone or when too much old bone is reabsorbed by the body, then osteoporosis can occur. While this affects women more often due to them having lower peak bone mass it can affect men as well.

The hardness or density of our bones weakens with age and we lose some of the minerals in our bones. This makes a bone much easier to break. Once a break or fracture occurs in the hip or spine – not only is it very painful, it may take much longer to heal. For many this has become one of the first signs that they have osteoporosis. If this happens, then they are already in an advanced stage of osteoporosis.

How can I approach brittle bones naturally? 

Eating calcium rich diet, staying active daily and taking vitamins and minerals are some of the easy ways to avoid getting weak bones. Knowing what to take can be important. Making sure that you are getting enough calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, vitamin K and strontium can help your bones now and as you grow older. Keep in mind that if you take strontium you need to take it at a time opposite your calcium as these two minerals will compete for absorption.

Based on a study done by Stephen J. Genius and Thomas P. Bouchard at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, the following is a Combination of Micronutrients (COMB) Protocol for Bone Health that was based on using non-medicine based means to reduce bone fractures.

1. Docosahexanoic acid or DHA (from Purified Fish Oil): 250 mg/day

2. Vitamin D3: 2000 IU/day

3. Vitamin K2 (non-synthetic MK7 form): 100 ug/day

4. Strontium citrate: 680 mg/day

5. Elemental magnesium: 25 mg/day

6. Dietary sources of calcium recommended

7. Daily impact exercising encouraged

One of the amazing things about this study is that the price of the protocol listed above is less than $3.00 per day. Compared to what a bone fracture would cost this is outstanding!

Prevention is your greatest asset in working to avoid osteoporosis. Encourage your friends and family to walk with you and enjoy a healthy diet and lifestyle as this is the best way to stay stronger and more independent longer.

Please share with us ways that you have learned to deal with weak bones and your experiences by joining us on Twitter, Face book or Google Plus.

To learn more about our calcium magnesium and mineral products please visit our website at: Vital Earth Minerals

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals


What is Arrhythmia?

When the electrical activity in the heart gets off rhythm, the heart can beat too fast, too slow or with an irregular pace, it’s called an arrhythmia.  Some arrhythmia’s can be life threatening and while a few are simply annoying.

What can cause it and what are the side effects?

Hormones like birth control pills or diuretics can cause the heart to feel like it is skipping a beat.    It can be caused from coronary artery disease, changes in the heart muscle, injury from a heart attack, after effects of surgery and electrolyte imbalances in the blood, such as sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonate.  Some skips can be a side effect of taking anti-arrhythmic drugs such as beta blockers.

Side effects of arrhythmia can include dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath, discomfort in the chest, extreme tiredness and fear.

What can I use that is natural?

While it is important to follow your doctor’s advice once an allopathic treatment program has been started, many people have great success in preventing episodes by supplementing with electrolytes, calcium and magnesium.  Research indicates a deficiency of calcium or magnesium can play an important role, as calcium and magnesium work together to sustain a healthy rhythmic heartbeat.

Minerals are very important to heart function.  The nerve cells within the heart use minerals to maintain each and every heart beat at intervals of milliseconds.

 Tips to manage irregular heartbeats

Dr. Sinatra, an integrative cardiologist, suggests making sure that you avoid alcohol, caffeine and sugar which can all provoke an irregular heartbeat as a key.  Other tips include restricting the time spent on wireless technologies and using stress relieving systems like yoga, prayer and meditation to soothe your nerves.  He recommends taking Magnesium (200-400 mg) and Co-Q10 (180 mg) as the combination that he uses at high altitude to avoid irregular heartbeats.

Get checked out

If you suspect that you have problems with an irregular heart beat, it is important that you see a doctor for help with diagnosing it.  Testing can be done to determine the possible causes and severity of arrhythmia with your doctor or cardiologist.  Treatments from a doctor to treat arrhythmia can include physical maneuvers, medications, electrical shock treatments, and electrical cauterizing the specific malfunctioning area with heat, cold of laser probes.

There are ways to help to manage this condition that can use an integrative approach that combines both natural and conventional methods.

To share with us your experiences or ways that you have managed your own issues with an irregular heartbeat, we invite you to join us on Twitter, Face book or Google Plus.

To learn more about our minerals and calcium magnesium products please visit our website at: Vital Earth Minerals

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals

The most confusing aspect of planning a supplement program is how much of which nutrients and what forms of nutrients should we take.  What most people don’t realize is that they need to start with a base-line program that forms the foundation of their nutritional program. We wouldn’t think of building a house without a foundation, as it supports the entire structure.

The foundation of every supplement program should contain all 16 vitamins and all 72 minerals, in their most natural forms.  If you take a single nutrient to solve a particular problem, and leave the rest of them out, none of them will work very well.  Here’s an example of what is needed for Calcium absorption.  You may be surprised at the process.

Calcium directly needs the following to be absorbed: Copper, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Fluorine, Sulfur, Chromium, Phosphorous and Iron.  Now it gets more complicated, because for all the above minerals to be used they each have their own co-factor need.  For example Copper needs Cadmium, Gold, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorous, Sulfur, Zinc and Molybdenum.  In order to absorb Calcium, you need a minimum of 24 other minerals and each of those minerals has their own requirements.

Magnesium needs Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus and Manganese to be absorbed.  Even minerals that seem toxic like Cadmium help Zinc to absorb.  Arsenic assists selenium and iodine to absorb.  All 72 minerals, and 16 vitamins have unique interdependent relationships with each other as they have a lengthy list of cofactors that are needed to facilitate absorption.

This is the simple reason why we all need to supply our bodies with all 16 vitamins and all 72 minerals and trace elements as our foundation program.  Next, will you chose pills, capsules or liquids?  It doesn’t matter how powerful or complete the formula is, if it is in a form that cannot be absorbed.  Research indicates that pills, or tablets, offer an absorption rate of zero to maximum 18% (Physicians Desk Reference Guide).  Capsules (including gel caps) can take 20 to 30 minutes to break down and convert to a liquid in the stomach offering 20 to 45% absorption.  Liquid supplements include chewables, and powders that are put in a liquid drink, offer 98% absorption, because absorption starts in the mouth.

The taste buds on your tongue are the sensors that activate the body to start producing the enzymes needed to process the nutrients.  This prepares the stomach to have the right combination of enzymes to best absorb a supplement.  When pills or capsules arrive in the stomach they are a mystery.  The body isn’t quite sure how to process them.

People ask why should I take vitamins when I just see them come out in my urine shortly after I take them?  This is proof that the body has accepted them and that they have been absorbed.  For instance, many B vitamins are like this, as they are water-soluble and assimilate quickly.

For a health boost and to save money, if at all possible start with a liquid, a chewable or a powder that you put in a liquid and drink.  Only take isolated nutrients in addition to a baseline foundation that contains all the vitamins and all the minerals.

To learn more about our minerals and high potency liquid vitamin – Super Multi or our liquid Fulvic Minerals and Humic Minerals please visit our website at: Vital Earth Minerals

You can also share with us your reasons for taking liquids over capsules with vitamin and mineral supplements at  Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals

We can no longer follow the old truism that “All the Nutrients You Need Are In Your Food”.  Modern man broke the system that used to make that statement true.  It used to be so simple; all we had to do was eat vegetables and fruits from these healthy plants to get all the nutrients we need. Today, our produce is nutritionally void now … that means the vitamins and minerals are so low in our produce that they no longer keep us healthy.

In the olden days, healthy plants manufactured an abundance of Fulvic.  Fulvic is the only substance that can dissolve rock based minerals in the soil, and uptake them into the plant.  When plants and trees have plenty of minerals and Fulvic, they can manufacture vitamins.  People and animals need a proper balance of vitamins and minerals to maintain health and reverse diseases.

Many factors combined have resulted in foods becoming “nutritionally hollow”.  Modern farming methods have thrown the entire cycle out of balance.  Our farming soils are weak, which results in sick plants that cannot manufacture the nutrients we need to stay healthy and fight illness and disease.

The increased use of pesticides and irradiation on our produce leaves a finished food with poisons and lower nutrients.  The chemicals used in pesticides contaminate the soil, and kill the good microbes that produce essential Fulvic.  The use of hybrid seeds and crop management based on economics further drains our foods of their minerals and vitamins.

So, how can you tell if plants are healthy or not?  We’ve been told that healthy plants are disease and pest free. Bugs and pests are Nature’s garbage disposers.  When a plant is not healthy enough to provide nutrients for people and animals, nature provides bugs to destroy it.

I had a hard time really believing this until someone gave me a very sick Fichus tree.  It was loaded with scales and had so few leaves on it I didn’t think it could survive.  This pathetic plant became my personal experiment. I wanted to know if it was true that healthy plants fight their own diseases, so I fed it Fulvic Minerals and Humic Minerals every two weeks faithfully.  Almost immediately new leaves began to sprout, but the battle with the scales continued.  Then little by little the scales began to thin out.  Today that sickly tree has so many big healthy leaves it could be a show plant, and there isn’t one single scale on it anywhere.  All I did was to provide the nutrients Nature would have provided under healthy growing conditions.

Calcium and Magnesium are two of the most important minerals in the body as they are used daily from the cells to your bones. Just one percent of Calcium is stored in your blood for controlling your heartbeat and blood pressure.  The other ninety-nine percent is held within your bones and teeth. Calcium also helps with the actions of enzymes and to help fluid flow throughout the cell membranes. Adequate amounts of calcium can help to reduce the risk of colon and rectal cancer.  Calcium also helps your nerves.

Magnesium is an important mineral co-factor needed to allow the body to utilize calcium. It is used for carbohydrate metabolism and elimination. Magnesium is vital for rejuvenating the nerves and muscles. People who have diabetes, chronic malabsorption or who take diuretics may also need extra magnesium.  A lack of magnesium can add to irritability.

Now you can understand why it is essential in today’s world to add a full spectrum of all the vitamins and all the minerals to our daily diet with an abundance of calcium and magnesium. While you still want to eat vegetables and fruits, supplementing assists in laying a solid foundation for energetic health.

To learn more about fulvic minerals or to view our supplement line of products: Vital Earth Minerals

You can also share with us your reasons for taking vitamin and mineral supplements at  Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals

The thyroid is a gland that is located in the neck that is in charge of regulating our metabolism. Thyroid works to turn proteins, carbohydrates and sugars into energy within each cell.

When thyroid levels are too high (hyperthyroidism) the heart can race, quick weight loss and bulging eyes are clues.  Thyroid levels that are too low (hypothyroidism) can result in fatigue, weight gain and sensitivity to cold.

Some basic warning signs that you may have a thyroid problem developing are:

  • Sudden weight gain or weight loss
  • Mood swings including depression and anxiety
  • Hair, skin or nail changes such as dry hair and skin or ridged, brittle nails
  • Menstrual problems for women
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Swelling or discomfort in the neck
  • Increased feelings of fatigue or insomnia
  • Intestinal problems such as bloating and constipation
  • Low body temperature

In our society where communication can be clocked in seconds, it is too easy for our mind and body to suffer from the effects of stress.  One massive worry can cause an increased heart rate, abdominal discomfort and difficulty in concentrating.  This worry compounded daily and weekly turns into headaches, chronic insomnia or substance abuse. Over time, the adrenal glands continue to produce higher and higher levels of cortisol that creates a bigger burden on us physically, mentally and emotionally.

Cortisol is a steroid hormone instrumental in converting the thyroid hormone in the body.  Too much or too little cortisol can stop the activation of thyroid.  When adrenal glands are too depleted low thyroid can also result.  Cortisol in high doses actually breaks down the body’s tissues.  It can harm the portion of our brain, called the hippocampus that is involved in memory. Continual stress can also damage the ability of the liver to detoxify the body.

Some easy natural ways to relive stress are:

  • Laugh – Tell a joke, read or watch something funny. Try to remember a time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt.
  • Meditation and journaling -to clarify your thoughts and emotions.  Find ways to help you relax and slow down.
  • Talk to a friend -or perhaps a counselor about things that are bothering you.
  • Ask yourself this question about your stressful situation – Will this really matter in five years?
  • Set good boundaries – be clear on what is within your power to control and within your circle of influence.
  • Exercise – getting active for 30 minutes helps to balance the body. Yoga and deep breathing for even a couple of minutes can help to soothe you spirit and help you refocus on what is important.
  • Make sure that you take care of your health. – Focus on fresh vegetables and fruits that are good sources of vitamins B, C, and E to counteract free radicals.  Eat plenty of protein as it provides the amino acid tyrosine that the thyroid is made from. Make sure that you are getting magnesium which acts as a natural muscle relaxer.
  • Stay hydrated as dehydration can increase cortisol levels.
  • Prepare to get quality sleep as sleep deprivation can affect your thyroid levels.

In addition to stress, it is smart to minimize excessive coffee and sugar that can over stimulate the thyroid and adrenal glands.  Avoid plastics and products containing BPA and phthalates as they have been proven to decrease thyroid levels.  Shun pesticides as they are similar in molecular structure to thyroid and can block its absorption.

To learn more about ways to help your thyroid or to view our products: Vital Earth Minerals

You can also share with us your tips for improving thyroid levels and your favorite ways to relieve stress at  Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals

No one ever thinks that to reach middle age or older, your body has been making moment to moment decisions inside of each cell of your skeleton.  Each bone is a combination of protein bound to crystals of mineral.  While a bone appears solid, it is actually cell structure that brilliantly forms new bone and also removes old bone throughout life. These processes, called modeling and remodeling, occur so that every ten years or so our entire skeleton is replaced.

The skeleton is a warehouse for phosphorous and calcium that are used in body organs, blood levels, muscle and nerve tissues.  If there is insufficient calcium or phosphorous then governing hormones remove them out of the bone fiber to serve other parts of the body. Our bones are hollow by design to allow our bodies to absorb an impact without breaking while also being the strong framework for our muscles.

As we age, our bodies slow down the process of making bone because we stop needing to grow taller.  At age 30 is approximately when this happens.  This combined with poor diet, lack of exercise, changing hormone levels, and being indoors or in cars all of time can make our bones so much more fragile.  The good news is that things like hip fractures, poor posture, weak teeth, or delicate bones are all preventable.  A few lifestyle changes one day and one bite at a time can create an immense difference in your quality and length of life.

Here are a few tips to strengthen your bones:

  • Get active and work at it every day. Standing and sitting do not create bone mass. Try walking, swimming or dancing.  Use stretch bands, push ups or free weights to improve muscle mass. Resistance training actually aids us in creating new bone. Yoga, balance training and Tai Chi can all work too.  Aim for a minimum of ten minutes a day – three times a day.  Whatever you do – please do not stop! Once you stop exercising, the body then returns to the same bone mass level as when you started.
  • Make sure that you are getting enough Vitamin D, as it is needed for calcium to be absorbed effectively.  You can get it in foods like sardines, herring, tuna, mackerel, liver, cheese and eggs.  By sitting in the sun for just 20 minutes a day, your body will naturally make Vitamin D. Our need for this vitamin increases as we age from 200 IU till age 50 to 400 IU till age 70 and then 600 IU over 70.  One cup of milk or fortified orange juice has 100 IU of Vitamin D.
  • Avoid soft drinks, too much coffee or caffeine, too much salt, smoking and too much meat in your diet.  Each of these factors can block you from absorbing calcium. Alcohol actually robs you of calcium.
  • Eat foods that are high in calcium. Try a variety from turnip greens, kale, broccoli or cabbage.  Dairy products like milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, or cheddar cheese can help.  Sardines, salmon, tofu and pinto beans are also good food sources of calcium.

Making sure that you have the calcium you need, so your bones aren’t stripped of it may not always be done by diet alone.  The personal experience of loosing bone mass through extreme hyperthyroidism brought one of our founders, Jody, to help create our liquid calcium formula. To learn more about our liquid or capsule calcium or to view our liquid minerals visit: Vital Earth Minerals

You can also share with us your tips for great bone building exercises or recipes at Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus.

By Kathleen Threet, Staff Writer at Vital Earth Minerals


Picture an ancient rainforest teeming with plants, nuts, berries, tropical flowers and surrounded by freshwater streams.  These lush plants were broken down over time and were then encapsulated by volcanic material and kept pure.  This is the beginning material for our organic whole food based Humic minerals.  This Humic material is the source from which Fulvic minerals are extracted.

The simple difference is that Fulvic works inside the cells or within each of the cell walls.  Humic primarily works outside the cells on the organs and body systems such as the immune and digestive systems.

Let’s start with Humic minerals. Humic has the higher concentration of essential trace minerals and amino acids.  It removes toxins in the stomach, allowing the immune system to function at its best. It stops viruses from binding with cells in the body.  It lessens inflammation naturally in the body. Humic actually helps to correct cellular mutations which can stop cells from becoming malignant.

Fulvic works within each cell.  It brings minerals and nutrients from your food into the cell and on its way out it flushes toxins and waste materials out. Fulvic works to boost the electrical energy inside the cells as a natural electrolyte. Fulvic minerals also improve the enzyme production and reaction inside of each cell.

As the soils that our food is grown in are increasingly depleted of minerals, it is a good idea to make sure that you are supplementing your diet with the best minerals available.

We make a difference by making sure that our processing methods are gentle and natural. We never use harsh chemicals or heat to process our minerals.  To learn more about how minerals can help visit: Vital Earth Minerals

You can also share with us your love of good health at Google Plus, Facebook  or Twitter.